Saturday 30 June 2007

Pressure Seeping Through Your Brain !

Lawrence...IP next year...arghhhhhhhhhh...who would be in my group...doe wan draw lots ler...

Pressure is amongst us all the is like a virus lurking in our veins...its like an epidemic when it comes to a submission date...everyone would feel it, we would be like zombies in class, and everyone would be frantic...becoz I have been in such situation before; a good example is going into the Digital Lab those days before final submission of the assignment or try the printing lab...ahh!

Whatever it is, constant pressure is never healthy,why? not sleeping for 24 hours to finish your assignment is not uncommon, like working over the last 5 hours or so, your brain is no longer functioning effectively, right? We are only human, not machines (robots)...

So, with pressure as your constant companion, try not to treat it as stress , but take it as a healthy adrenalin rush (though constant pressure is not good).

Simply speaking, what i am trying to say is, pressure will always occur...submission dates, rejected studio ideas, girlfriend wants you to choose between her or architecture...whatever the pressure is, we must always handle it with not allow it to run loose or it may lead to something unpleasant...such as leading to a HEART ATTACK!

In other times, pressure may cause you to do or say things which you normally don't scolding people for no apparent reason. Other scenarios where pressure comes in are like feelings of giving up easily in project completion, going crazy, or maybe just feeling BLUR...

Basically, all I want to tell you is that pressure is always there, n it may sometimes be the cause for very unhealthy things to happen such as one going into smoking or taking drugs or creation of ugly scenes like getting angry with yr friends or even driving carelessly...just to submit yr assignments...

Thus, some ways u might be able to handle pressure are as follows (my opinion only):
1. listening to music
2. practising yoga or jogging
3. sleeping, or taking a nap
4. watching tv or playing games
5. hanging out with friends, or chatting online

u are always welcome to add on to the list...sure appreciate to fight against this menace!

Halia boy


SABD Student Society Taylor's University said... least u got read lar...hahaha...testing theories...i want to choose my own ppl for IP...i noe who i want in my team d...

jiunn said...

we can choose ppl?
what I've heard is random picked by Pn. Nor.
In Architecture History she does like that, I think in IP she'll do the same.
we are going to see sandpaper most of the time this semester!!