Sunday 17 June 2007

Where would Go NEXT ? after the final SEM !

So, its been awhile like what Mr.Law has mentioned...

To begin with, most of us are going to a camp soon which is on the 21st, four days from now, and there are a lot to prepare...right after it, it would be at least 2 weeks till college starts again...

So, what would be the master plan after that, how would the final semester be like...we had been mostly all together for like 5 semesters and met wonderful new people as we went along...for the same goal in mind, we all would like to graduate together as a whole...there are a few who had left, but maybe because they might had found their calling somewhere else...

Maybe this final semester could tell us whether we had achieve or found our calling...or maybe we just follow how life takes us along its curvacious journey...if we were to also continue these long hourly moments of architecture and quantity surveying, how would we end it perfectly...which uni's would we be pursuing in, i had in mind a few myself (Uni of Sheffield, Bartlett, AA, Cardiff, or NSW as well as RMIT in Australia)

It really depends anyway...however, would the Taylor's 2005 batch legacy be continued...would we all still be together or maybe its back to basics again...and what happens then ? its a life journey after when do we meet up again ? Mamak at College ?

Whatever the outcome might be...we are the 2005 batch which would forever rock on...and maybe this forum could be our chatting spot...or maybe its deja vu all over again where someone takes over and says "why this forum no one taking one ?"

So, to all all are like a family in your class...if you don't take every moment to cherish, it would soon be over, but if you are lucky, you all might end up in the same university and maybe the same

Halia Boy

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