Saturday 20 October 2007

Quantifying a Surveyor's Life - Professional Profession?

It has been quite some time since the first day of work in a consultantcy firm. We used to hear that QSes are not that keen with other professionals in the building industry. From my own experience during my Taylor's stint, I totally disagree with that. We have a great community in Taylor's which offers lots of special moments that most of us share. We talked about uniting students, people around us and saving our precious friendships.

However, in the real world out here, it is a hell to what you call heaven during college times. Ask a QS friend of yours that share your Building Services class or Construction or even Structures class. If they are doing take-off, and found there's discrepancies in the drawings, what do they do? List down in query list and make assumption. Great, it is a good approach, but have they ever come to a list of 100+ queries just for a single element of work? This happens and it is still ongoing. You can never find a perfect drawing but at least we expect a level of accuracy and consistency from them. Dimensions are incorrect its alright, but even the drawing number and revision number does not tally, how can you not blame us to hate the engineers for not being professional enough?

We, QSes are taken advantage of, and we are used by the industry to check drawings for errors instead of costing and pricing them. Where are we heading to if this trend goes on and on?

1 comment:

Bubaks said...

im sorry to hear that. i never thought u guys had it that way.

when i finally get out there in the working world, i'll remember not to use QSes like that. respect is important.