Thursday 3 May 2007

Picture of the Day...shouldn't it be week at least...

well, since the boss says pic of the day, my contribution for today's pic is this...this was the pic of our exposition model...i know many of you have not seen the pictures, so this is it...
It was basically a long story, but to keep it short, it was an exposition model for a competition in Olympiarch 2006, well, for this year...there seem to be news that there will be no jamboree this year...quite sad...well, we will just have to wait for any updated news about it...
For those who are not familiar with Olympiarch, it is like a jamboree where all architecture students from all around Malaysia coming together to just have fun and at least learn something valuable at the end of the day through workshops or even through meeting new friends...So, to the juniors, if you have the chance, go for will not regret...i think?

1 comment:

jiunn said...

yea...i miss Olympiarch..
met a lot of cool ppl..and have a lot of weird memories~XD
share abit of memories lah!!those who joined Olympiarch~

There's one girl whose singign is really good!! Olympiarch theme song is nice~<3

We always laze around after food time at the tent. haha~

Keong, u made me walk up the hill and walk so far.RAWR!By the time we reach the hall, already sweat like madT.T

I rmbr we have only 20++ppl that went to UTM. Other unis & cols have 100++ ppl-.-"