15th of August marks the date when all Architectural Studio 2-ians were shipped off to Taman Negara, Pahang.

The main objective of the trip was to conduct site analysis researches in order to ease the execution of our upcoming Project 2 and Project 3. Also, we were instructed to bring along the end product of our Project 1 - the Egg Drop Apparatus, for testing and assessment. Last but of course not the very least (and perhaps, to us, the most important), to have fun!

Upon arrival to the jetty, we took long boats in groups to Nusa Holiday Village. Even though rain started pouring heavily halfway through the shipment of SABD students, all of us managed to arrive safely at the hotel, albeit a little wet.

After the first site analysis activity, we went for a night jungle walk, experiencing first-hand the night critters and insects. Sadly, none of us managed to catch sight of any tigers or elephants.

After a busy day, we retired to our respective dorms, chalets, and Malay houses.

The morning after we tracked up Bukit Warisan. A long, tiring hike that was. The journey felt endless, with many long pauses due to the large crowd, and the rocky trail leaving everyone panting.

Though breathless, most of us managed to reach the peak of the mountain, and boy were we proud of ourselves!

After lunch, we headed over to canopy jetty to experience the Canopy Walkway, where those who suffered from acrophobia went through hell!
We went for rapid shooting in groups and had water splashing competitions among boats! No pictures were taken here as all cameras were tucked away safely where the water couldn't get to them.
We tested our egg drop apparatuses by throwing them off the elevated restaurant. For those who do not know, the apparatuses are designed to protect the egg from cracking when it is thrown off a height of at least 1 floor from the ground.

After dinner, everyone gathered for a lecture. Could you believe we had a lecture on Sunday night!

The following morning we had most of our time free, and everyone spent their free time doing different things. Many of us hung out at the stream right outside the hotel.

All in all, the Taman Negara trip, although very tiring and stripped us away from the daily luxuries of city life, was fun and enlightening. The large class of Architectural Studio 2 students have had a lot of ber-bonding time and interaction between students have increased. The trip was, should I say, really successful. =)
P.S. More pictures to be posted up soon on our Facebook page!
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