Saturday, 1st of August
The new students were briefed about the activities and were broken into groups of six with 2 seniors each. There were 35 of them, 20+seniors and a lecturer-in-charge, Miss Carrie.

They'll have to untangle themselves to form a HUGE circle!
MATHUNT (materials hunt)
A mini amazing race around our college compound!
There were 5 stations, each with a game/task to be completed before proceeding to the next! (courtyard, carpark, media hub, lip fountain and studio 9)
Materials are given to the group after each tasks and the sequence of stations are random!
After they’re done with all stations, they'll have to run straight back to studio 9 and start designing for their final project! Of course makan first lah =)
Station 1 (courtyard) KA-CHAK
1.Randomly pick 3 out of 10 pictures in a box (cut outs from newspaper or magazine).
2. Mimic the photo n pose for 30 seconds.
Materials to be won: Strings and Wire
1.Randomly pick 3 out of 10 pictures in a box (cut outs from newspaper or magazine).
2. Mimic the photo n pose for 30 seconds.
Materials to be won: Strings and Wire

Station 2: (carpark) PHOTO MANIAC!
1. Fix a puzzle of a torn-up senior's picture (weird angle/ blurred images!)
2. Go and look for THAT senior and do a simple task!
*different seniors hold different materials.
*the seniors were thomas, ki jun, li hui, meng jin, edwald and zhi min!
*busy fixing the puzzle*
and kijun's hair..haha! it does look like him!

seriously weird angles man!
and yes! completed! haha!
Station 3: (media hub) GRAB!
They have to collect FIFTEEN 5 cents coins from 15 different people + noting down their name, phone number, favourite food and colour! haha!
they asked everybody! Including the mamak workers, random passerbys and even the college guards!
1. Everyone from the group must fit within the newspaper and hold for 30s!
2. After that, the newspaper will be folded into half and half and half again!! (ok..that’s crazy!)Material awarded: Plastic bag – the smaller you fold the more you get!

the seniors!
seniors? HAHA!
Station 5: (studio 9)
1. Hold 1 brick with 3 A4 papers, 10 cm off the ground for 15seconds!!
Materials awarded: Wiremesh (upon completion of task)
*Its possible!! One group did it in 10 seconds man!!
Main Activity!
With the materials collected, each group are suppose to design something functional with minimum height of 1m for the senior in their group, according to his or her characteristics.
It can be a hat, a garment, accessories, shelter...anything creative as long as the thing is custom designed for their senior. Materials can be traded among groups too!
And here goes the presentations...
Each group is to send out a representative to present their design to the respective judges; Miss Carrie and Mr. Woon, convincing them that their design suits their senior best; something creative yet functional!
oh thank you very much for posting it up.i had fun too!
i had fun too! * sense the sarcasm HAHA
its funny seeing the juniors dress the seniors up! HAHAHHA! too bad felix isn't one of them..haihhhhh!!!!! when's the next orientation? haha! cant wait!!
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