Highlights from last semester's Design Studio 1 final assignment! Enjoy =)
Site: KLpac
Douglas Wan
Generative Sequences
Client: Edward Norton (actor)
Harry Purwanto Tjoe
Bowing House
Client: Cao Cao (emperor of ancient China)

The Bowing House emphasizes the concept of a fusion between a traditional Chinese house, the integration of Cao Cao's characteristics and the struggle of his power in terms of his stubbornness. First of all, my client, Cao Cao had some interesting emotions as he was a mood swinger and suffered from self-conflict when it comes to decision making. These characteristics affected his judgment as he, the warlord and the penultimate chancellor of the Eastern Han Dynasty ruled one of the Three Kingdoms in ancient China. As he became one of the rulers in ancient China, he was known by his struggle of judgment and decisions because he was a truly stubborn man.
On his way to become the Emperor Wu of Wei, he was successfully influenced a few times by his subordinates to make historical decisions. Thus, The Bowing House reflects the characteristics of Cao Cao as he, the Emperor Wu of Wei, who is usually stubborn, somehow bowed down to certain judgments or thinking when he was influenced by outsiders, rather than his own mind.
As a result, throughout the storyline of Cao Cao's life, i have done researches to when he was totally stubborn, half-convinced, or successfully persuaded according to the China history. Therefore, bamboo is used to represent his stubbornness as it has natural compressive and tensile strength yet bendable when a force is applied on it. Aside from that, the Bowing House, in fact, shows the sign of a traditional Chinese house as a courtyard is designed in the centre of the house.
For the material part, i have chosen bamboo as the main element on this project. It looks natural because it adapts to the KLPAC surroundings. Also, bamboo has the cultural significance in East Asia especially in China thus reflecting the Chinese element to the house itself. Among of all these intentions, they somehow create the ideal design for my particular client, Cao Cao.

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