Event: FNBE January Intake Orientation 2010
Date: 16 January 2010
Time: 8.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Taylor’s College PJ
Report by: Lim Zi Kang
As the indigo welkin changed its hue and became aglow with subtle shades of yellow, it marked the advent of a new day dawning bright and warm. An exuberant morning; the firmament was heavenly, and nothing could dampen the spirits of our new SABD comrades who were coming in droves for the orientation program organized specifically for them. Voices rose in a crescendo in the multipurpose hall and before long, the hall was packed.
We first began with an ice-breaking session. The activity devised was a dancing activity whereby participants had to take turns dancing to music in the centre of a human circle and the surrounding participants were required to imitate them. Amid the peals of laughter, clamours of euphoria and exhilarating beats of music, it was in the aim to engender a sense of togetherness amongst them, and certainly, it has proved to be a marvellous social lubricant.
What ensued after that was a slew of intriguing games: the Longest Line (build the longest possible line within a limited period of time using their belongings and also their bodies), Fiction (exhale the breathings of their artistic minds by drawing symbolic objects on a piece of paper and then creatively craft a story that is relevant to be presented), Link Up (solve and untangle a human chain), and last but not least, the Tower of Terror (build a structure as tall and stable as possible utilizing satay sticks, straws and rubberbands, based on a concept generated beforehand) – which was the highlight of the day.
Overall, the event was a fruitful success! Everyone got to broaden their social circles, understand the significance of teamwork and more importantly, all of them had lots of fun!
The event ended at precisely one, fraught with a mellow sense of esprit de corps, rapture and the glow of their energy.

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