Featured Student: Fiona Ten
Course: Diploma in Architectural Technology

Semester: 1
Featured Project: Introduction to Design- Art and Architecture
The chosen painting Energetic Baby No. 83 of Ian Yang. The reason of choosing this painting is because the way Ian potraits the painting has a progressive feeling where had asked me to make a step forward to do what you wanted to do.
The main principle that extracted is symmetry. It is actually radial symmetrical but only aplied it as symmetry, make it bilateral symmetrical, which is more insteresting. Besides, principles like overlapping of elements also can be found in the painting.
Another principle had picked from the painting is repetition. The broadening of the element fro mthe centre to the outer space and the showing of the movement.
The theory-symmetry is applied on the plan of the model. It is done in a cross shape that is obviously a bilateral symmetrical shape. The overlapping of elements can be seen on the middle of the model where the first floor is overlapped by the second floor. The most special part is the roof, where overlapping and repetition can be found. The broadening of the element from the middle to the outer space also can be observed from the plan of the building where the middle of the building has the smaller space until the four ends of the building which is very wide whereas the four ends of the building are indicating movements.
What inspired you to study architecture?
indeed fascinating...
good luck fiona
very impressive considering this is your first semester project.
looking forward to seeing more of your work.
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