Sunday, 27 April 2008
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Featured Student: Mohammad Irushan
Course: Diploma in Architecture Technology
Semester: 5
Featured Project: Studio 2-Bicycle Shed


As I am a foreigner in this country and have been using public transport for almost 2 years, I always feel that there was something that lacks in the public facilities. People usually have their own cars to travel around which destroys and isolates integration among society.
However the use of bicycle enhances the interaction with people. Malaysia is a fast developing country but it has become less effective as there is not much social interaction going on. I believe that if we neglect the social environment, we will fail to taste the sweetness that grows together with the development of the country in various ways. Hence, I developed my design concept based on the lacking element, social interaction.
Considering a plane that directs arrows towards North and South, a line is drawn across the plane that directs East and West which covers the whole area. This idea that surrounds the entire plane symbolizes everything and involves everyone. I combined 4 boxes of different sizes and slightly tilting them at different angles. Each seperate box is positioned in different ways that symbolizes imperfection whereby when merge together would become a strong and stable form.

The internal space of the building is designed to allow interaction among people inside the building as the walls are see-through as undefined spaces and no partition. The fenestration allows people inside the building to appreciate the beauty of nature.

"We are appreciating something sweet, but we are forgetting to add sugar into it..."
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Task A – Documentation
Challenge - the length for the animation; 3 minutes.
Task B – Video Clip
Challenge – challenge your creativity and imagination, the video length is about 3 minutes.
*Requirements – maximum of 2 entries per institution. Ideas must be original. Participants are required to submit soft copies (CD) before the due date.
Photography Competition
The theme can be defined as an object or subject. The subject is universal, could be anything under the sun.
*Requirement – maximum 10 entries per institution. 2 photographs per entry (1 monochrome, 1 color) Open to all, with the registration fee rm10 per entry. The picture must be in 8R size. Originality - minimal post-processing (e.g. software editing) Simple explanation on the photographs. The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Model Testing Day- Surface Construction
Students from building construction 1 were given an assignment titled “Surface Construction”. Each group had to come up with a convincing model that could withstand the load for at least 30 seconds. They were refrained from using glues, staples, or tapes to attempt in their paper construction.
During the Brick Testing day on the 26th March, 2008 (Wednesday); each group participants brought their masterpieces. Initially, supposing that it was too easy for the models to withstand 1 brick and thus, with certainty that their model could withstand the weight of 2 bricks (6kgs). Then… the challenge begins!

Monday, 14 April 2008
Featured Student: Fiona Ten
Course: Diploma in Architectural Technology

Semester: 1
Featured Project: Introduction to Design- Art and Architecture
The chosen painting Energetic Baby No. 83 of Ian Yang. The reason of choosing this painting is because the way Ian potraits the painting has a progressive feeling where had asked me to make a step forward to do what you wanted to do.
The main principle that extracted is symmetry. It is actually radial symmetrical but only aplied it as symmetry, make it bilateral symmetrical, which is more insteresting. Besides, principles like overlapping of elements also can be found in the painting.
Another principle had picked from the painting is repetition. The broadening of the element fro mthe centre to the outer space and the showing of the movement.
The theory-symmetry is applied on the plan of the model. It is done in a cross shape that is obviously a bilateral symmetrical shape. The overlapping of elements can be seen on the middle of the model where the first floor is overlapped by the second floor. The most special part is the roof, where overlapping and repetition can be found. The broadening of the element from the middle to the outer space also can be observed from the plan of the building where the middle of the building has the smaller space until the four ends of the building which is very wide whereas the four ends of the building are indicating movements.
What inspired you to study architecture?
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Of sunburns, kites and sands
The rest, I will let the pictures do the talking. . .
A crowd dying to go fly kite
Group sorting session
Rabbit ears group
Full scale senior group
Hiking group
Sun glare on face group
Not paying attention while the photographer is talking group
Degree cum diploma group
Gay group
Lecturer's face says: High score within reach
Lecturer's face says: My ice cream melted under extreme heat
Within a few hours the designing process was completed and each and every group had their share of presenting it to the judges.
Since we were loaded with kites at midday and the wind was strong, we flew kites.
While some were enjoying themselves with the traditional way of flying kites, some tried a different and interesting approach.
The one finger method
While some professionals had their own set of artillery
Not forgetting to mention the amount of kites they can control at once (more outside screen)
Images like these can be creepy at night (by the way, its a kite)
Prize-giving ceremony to the best design, high flyers and to the organizer
The day ended peacefully. . . until five hooligans decided to throw the friendly photographer into the ocean.
Poor chap, luckily he managed to escape
Special thanks to the event planner Brian Novanto