3D Printing is now officially available for everyone (the wealthy). Ever since the 0707 batch landed in awe and envy in NUS School of Design and Environment looking at the super-big laser model printer, we've been wondering why there's no company out there develop the tinier, more economical version and sell it to to the desperate architecture students who cut their fingers on regular basis.
Thanks to Z Corporation, God answer our prayers. ZPrinter® 310 Plus and ZPrinter 450 multicolor printer are printing the model out of our computer for US$ 19,900. For those who have the budget, you might as well grab one and be BFFs. For those who don't, let's pray that other companies come into the field and have a price war or something until the price drops some more. Well, we still have many years of study to come (if this is a good thing).
Thanks to Engadget for the news.
Thanks to ICT Hongkong for the pictures.
Text by Brian.
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