Competition stages:
1st stage
Conceptual designs of the booths in the form of A3 sketches, with relevant information and design intentions.
Submission date : 12th March, 1pm, Studio 9
2nd stage
The top 4 winning groups will then produce drawings (elevations, plan, sections) with the materials chosen for their booth listed in them either hand drawn, or with the aid of AutoCAD, 3DMax and others in a 1:10 scale. It is compulsory to produce a model added that the drawings are clear enough to show the whole design. Participants will then be required to present their schemes to the judges. Each group would be given 10 minutes to convey their message.
Submission date : 9th April
3rd stage
The winning team will then construct a 1:1 scale model in conjunction with the PAM camp competition.
Criteria and Requirements:
- Each group must consist of approx 3 to 5 students. The competition is opened to all SABD students,
therefore it is highly recommended that there be a mixture of students from AT, ID, QS and CM.
- Registration can be done through respective Semester Representatives
Semester 1&2 : Wilindayati Tiang (Semester 4, ID) 0172432606
Semester 3& FnBE: Stacie Ng (AT) 0164784548
Semester 4 : Lee Zee Shake (AT) 0176057383
Semester 5 : Ong Shien Chii (AT) 0172306866
Semester 6 : Joseph Chua (AT) 0122967087
- Registration fee of RM1 PER PERSON must be paid upon registration.
- Registration has been extended to 12 march 2009
-Booth must represent Taylor’s University College (eg, using SABD/ Taylor’ logo)
- The booth must have space to display models, storyboards and portfolios.
- Space area for booth is 2x2x2m. Final model need not make full use of space, but it must be able
to prove sufficient space for at least 20 students’ works while the remaining spaces can be used
to place leaflets, brochures and other promotional materials, subject to designer’s creativity.
- Materials should be cost effective and readily available.
- The winning team will build the 1:1 scale model before they obtain the cash prize.
- The bill of the booth is borne by the winners using the RM 400 cash prize.
Anything above the allocated sum is to be forked out from the participants themselves.
- Clarity and neatness of submission is up to own discretion, but must be able to communicate ideas
on the design of the booth.
- Submission for stage one will be handed to Chew Kar Weng at Studio 9 by 1pm.
Grand Prize:
RM 700 cash prize, feature in SABD blog, SABD merchandises.
RM 400 cash prize to build 1:1 scale model.
3 Consolation Prizes:
RM 100 cash prize, feature in SABD blog, SABD merchandises.
god, i'll kill to have this poster on my bedroom wall. freakin awesome.
brian or chii. check again the sabd students, i think ID is missing. yes it is missing. ID batch 07 and 08 are still under SABD, not Design School.
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