Hey people!
Before we start putting up words and photos that would finally explain to you whatever things that have happened to some of us during the last holiday (which will hopefully be up and showing in like a day or two, please forgive us), we would like to..
..sell the spanking-new SABD T-shirt!

Now we all finally get an iPod on our shirt! How fancy. The cute little thing is currently playing SABD tunes. What do you think it would sound like?
This is selling fast, so you better hurry.
The sizes for MALE = M and S, and for FEMALE = XS (similar to S size).
Price? RM25.
Who to haunt? 0123195412 JUN WAI.
Grab 'em while it's hot!
This is the new SABD shirt?
Or new shirt for design school?
Why I pod?
If never click on the picture, I didn't even notice the taylor's logo.
Man..are you guys serious?
you could ask the designer that, i'll tell him to come check.
and it's the new SABD shirt. we need to get really acquainted with the design school students before we can do anything for them just yet.
anyways, you could see the real thing soon, there'll be class to class (or courtyard) selling after cny.
Man..Serious...compare it with the erect shirt...this is really a low rank stuffs.
Not standing out at all. No difference from the shirt outside.
come to think of it...
do you know anyone who wants/can design a shirt with a catchy phrase or whatever? or if you have a design in mind, come on forward, i'm cool with anything.
Come to think of it...
No one even know when you guys are coming out with new shirts.
Why don't having something like shirt design competition? then post up all the designs, let people vote.
that was actually a genuine question btw, i wasn't being condescending. do you know anyone from your batch who could design a shirt?
and, it was during the holidays when we needed to come up with a new design. i did discuss with the council about making a shirt competition beginning this year, except that we had other priorities -not to mention we were losing cash and we needed to quickly raise them by, hopefully, selling it off to the new juniors. to say the least, we were running out of time.
true, it may not be the best design on the face of the freaking planet, but it's there and who wants to get one, they could get one. who doesn't, it's really just a shirt.
happy chinese new year btw.
The shirt looks fine by the way... Why so much tension just for a shirt?
Besides, by the looks of things, even if there is a competition, i doubt anyone will join due to the holidays. And yes, knowing the Taylorian mentality, like the booth thing, no many joined. So if you really think there shud be a competition, Encourage ur friends to join. the more, the better. If not, why bother bout a competition right?
Aaron C
Well, I think the students should voice out what they want...n we try our very best to throw out something... isn't that good? 'Responding to the site'
yeah, jun wai is here with me btw :P he said thanks for the comments! he'll try to improve next time or something equally weird like that.
oh, and again, if anyone wants to come up with a design, come on up!
anyway do u sell any larger FEMALE sizes? i dun think all girls would buy S
JO....r u serious?...y would u want a t-shirt with a large taylors logo on it...y dun u print a t-shirt with a large taylors logo at the front and behind it u can put "TAYLOR'S COLLEGE NO.1 FAN"....=)HAHAHAHA..ZOMG
The smarty anon on top. Can you read carefully?
It's just not many of the comments.
Did I say I want a big taylor logo there?
I'm just saying, this design, is cool if it is a normal T.
If it is to be a SABD T, seriously. I don't get it.
It's just piece of personal thought. If you think it's sux, you can just skip. Punning with my words? Do you have to?
hey, actually all the sizes are unisex. sort of anyway. if u can't fit the S female, u cud try the guy shirts. this one isn't like the erect, it's really universal i think.
(in fact the designer himself wore the S female :P)
16 comments????? ThaTS ALOT!! plus mine...17...
hahhaa well indirectly saying who wore the female S size..haha
Hey no words? dun wanna look like an Apple salesperson
well, we WANTED the words, but a catchy one needed lots of thinking, if not a natural mojo. which, like i said (for what could be the umpteenth time), we didn't have time nor much creative juice.
but anyway, it's not bad actually. i wore it yesterday and felt kinda good in it, haha.
anyways, we're still open for new designs :)
I think you should expand the sizes available. Not everyone in our college is in the range of an XS to M. If you really look around, you'll know what I mean. We should cater to these people too, they shouldn't feel left out. It'd be real nice if that was possible =)
we would, if we managed to sell off the current sizes quickly, generate more money etc. also -if demand itself is high.
we're launching the shirt next week, so we'll see okay?
thanks for the two cents, will tell u how it goes.
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