Featured student: Kua Daphne Chian Chian
Course : Architectural Technology
Semester: 3
Featured project: Studio 1 - Resting furniture design
The inspiration for this model began with the structure of Ipomoea which is the Morning Glory plant. According to this plant, it doesn’t have any straight line or sharp edge but smooth and soft string twisting freely. It gives a natural curve and bond which reflect the power of nature as well. Wrought iron has been used as the frame and timber as the base to support a human according to our body lines. The timber gives life to the wrought iron frame as it represents the body of the furniture. Cengal Batu has been chosen because it doesn’t absorb heat and it is much stronger compare to the others. The wrought iron frame gives a springy feeling just like you are floating in the air while resting on it. It is being designed for one as it gives a very private space for resting.
“De-Splendour is specially designed for outdoor usage. The best place for it should be somewhere which is more silent and peaceful, such as in the lush tropical garden. You are lying on it, with the trees surrounding you in the brilliant morning, the wind touch you gently while the sunrise shine on you…Try to take a deep breath, feel the environment, that’s the best to describe rest and relax!”
What would you want to see from SABD Student Society this year?
"I would love to see interesting designs from talented students not necessarily buildings, as long as its special.
SABD Student Society should also update members about upcoming projects or competitions (local/international) that students can participate or observe. It will improve us, future architects."
Nice model. The level of craftsmanship is amazing. However if it were to be built in real life would it be a little unstable? :D Just a thought, but great model
nothing is impossible for nowdays technology ^^
brittle yes,beautiful YES! :)
i like it, but as a person weighing 80kg, i feel unsecured. haha.
I think the chair is positioned a bit higher, its like you've gotta jump to sit on it, the two pole which projects upwards supporting the seat is too close to each other, narrow to approach then sit on it, the base is too small making it uneven ,if the base is widen, which eventually widen the distance between the two pole projecting upwards supporting the chair, and the position of the seat is altered, this workpiece will be the BOMB!
love your work, the level of detail is really amazing, but im still kinda wondering about how it actually works? lol, a weight distribution diagram would be sweet! =)
very interesting.. great craftmanship.
I love that very muchie....
i saw that in FACON education fair...
great idea. great look.
the height of the chair is just nice for a person to sit on it(if your body r porportionate enough). it would not fall when u try to sit on it cz your weight comes down at the back of the wooden curve. the strength and balance of the legs also being measured so that it would not fall as well.
^^ hehe anyway, thanks for d suggestions anonymous <3
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