Saturday, 29 March 2008
Earth Hour, 29th March 2008, 8pm-9pm
So we are suppose to off all electricity from 8pm to 9pm to save green, global watsoever.
Are you all going to off your electricity??
What are you all going to do in the dark?
Let's share something creative :D
Some people are going to the city to walk around in the dark
Some go for BBQ
I'll Glow.
hope you all manage to get my "entertainment"
Jiunn fr melbourne
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Featured Student: Thor Eu Ric

Course: Architectural Technology
Semester: 5
Featured Project: Studio 2- Bicycle Shed
The RED bicycle shed is set in the urban housing area of Bandar Utama. The shed fulfils the need of sculptural impression, expression and inspiration to the site while providing a methodical system for clever bicycle storage.
Driven fervently by the idea of passion, the shed exudes a sense of dynamism and strength, in hope of injecting a sense of eagerness and passion to the blood-shot eyed working crowd of Bandar Utama, as it promotes a cause for cycling.
The shed balances the design for a programmatic and pragmatic space; space circulation is clean and systematic. Bicycles which are elevated from the ground by a system of tracks, not only provide an open floor space, but also giving almost a feel of an avant-garde and artistic “living” space that is constantly at jolt and movement.
What would you want to see from SABD Student Society this year?
"I'd like to see a family of loving team that is fair, honest and trustworthy to all.
I want to see arguments,
I want to see sweet-talks,
and I want to see communication and a sincere relationship among one another."
Friday, 21 March 2008
Victory for SABD in the inter-department football tournament
Recently, Taylors College Petalling Jaya held an inter-department football tournament and I was lucky enough to be apart of it. It was no English Premier League, but the matches were just as intense. School of Architecture, Building and Design (SABD) proved unbeatable when they emerged as champions of the TCPJ Inter-Program football tournament.
Organised by the Extra Curriculum Activities (ECA) department, the tournament was held from the 18th to the 22nd of February at the 3K stadium in Subang Jaya. The six teams that participated were from the School of Communication (SOC), School of Computing, SABD, School of Hospitality and Tourism (TCHT) and Taylors College’s staff. TCHT sent in two teams to represent them.
There were two groups of three with the top two teams advancing into the semi-finals. The preliminary rounds were held during the first three days of the tournament, with the semi’s being held on the fourth (Thursday). The final was held on the last day of the tournament, Friday, along with the third and fourth placing match.
The first semi-finals saw SOC losing 1-0 to SABD in a tightly contested match. The second semi-finals saw the Taylors staff team defeating the computing team 2-1.
On the final day of the tournament, SOC and the computing team battled it out for the third and the fourth placing. SOC won 1-0 in another tightly contested match which saw many goals line clearances by the SOC team.
The final was much anticipated affair with the favorites, SABD, taking on the surprise team of the tournament, the Taylors staff team. It was a very heated affair which saw the staff team go ten men down half way through the first half through an illegal high foot foul. The match ended with SABD clinching it 1-0.
Medals were presented to the winners by members of the ECA department. The best manager award went to SABD’s team manager, Ramanan, while the SABD forward Bahador Razaghi, bagged the top goal scorer award.
Mr. Murali, head of the ECA department, announced after the tournament that he has selected 20 of the students from the tournament to represent the Taylors’ team in the upcoming inter-college football tournament. :)

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Featured student: Kua Daphne Chian Chian
Course : Architectural Technology
Semester: 3
Featured project: Studio 1 - Resting furniture design
The inspiration for this model began with the structure of Ipomoea which is the Morning Glory plant. According to this plant, it doesn’t have any straight line or sharp edge but smooth and soft string twisting freely. It gives a natural curve and bond which reflect the power of nature as well. Wrought iron has been used as the frame and timber as the base to support a human according to our body lines. The timber gives life to the wrought iron frame as it represents the body of the furniture. Cengal Batu has been chosen because it doesn’t absorb heat and it is much stronger compare to the others. The wrought iron frame gives a springy feeling just like you are floating in the air while resting on it. It is being designed for one as it gives a very private space for resting.
“De-Splendour is specially designed for outdoor usage. The best place for it should be somewhere which is more silent and peaceful, such as in the lush tropical garden. You are lying on it, with the trees surrounding you in the brilliant morning, the wind touch you gently while the sunrise shine on you…Try to take a deep breath, feel the environment, that’s the best to describe rest and relax!”
What would you want to see from SABD Student Society this year?
"I would love to see interesting designs from talented students not necessarily buildings, as long as its special.
SABD Student Society should also update members about upcoming projects or competitions (local/international) that students can participate or observe. It will improve us, future architects."
Sunday, 16 March 2008
The Ceremonial Squabble
Then the battle begin. . . Several interesting issues were raised keeping the audience on their toes. Among them were:
- Proposition - Film includes documentaries, TV shows and movies. Generally any form of visual communication. Therefore, it is a false generalization to conclude that all films give misleading facts just because movies potrays so.
- Opposition - Movies might be able to attract the audiences attention. However, in the short amount of time they will be exposed to action and romance which is out of the context of the truth and they might accept it as that.
Notable speaker to look out for during the debate presentation. Eye of the Tiger; she got it
This were not going as planned for the proposition team and I had to resort to fortune telling to predict our future.
"Thank God its over"
Group 3 vs. Group 4
Day 2: Wednesday
Topic: Historical knowledge is fundamental for future architectural practice
The Proposition
The Opposition
It was either a blend of skill, confidence, knowledge or probably experience from the previous group but the second official bickering was much more interesting and organized. It was so well spoken and presented that the audience were mesmerized. Among the issues that were raised were:
- Proposition - Historical knowledge has guide us for architectural accomplishments. We can learn from past disasters and improve our structures to carry through natural disasters or prevent and reduce damages. (ex. Tsunami)
- Opposition - Historical buildings do not path a way for the future; in-terms of practicality. The fundamental of past buildings were built based on religious and spiritual beliefs. In our current time, practicality is more important. Time has become very valuable
Zombified audience
At the end of the presentation, a small prize giving ceremony was held to reward the best speakers from each fight. The winner was none other than:
Diana Sharmini
Vincent. Outstanding hairdos does make a difference
Overall conclusion, Architecture History 1 can be fun if you want it to be. That or have a debate to make it fun.
[Author of Semester 4 updates]