Since the chatbox have witnessed some growing interest to music, here is some trivia about what Architecture have in common with music, literally.
_________ lists 158 bands and artists with the word "Architect" as part of their name/referentials. Most of them obscure, indies and most importantly, not known to the larger portion of public. Of these:

Architecture in Helsinki (Obscurity rate: gaining reputation)
A 6 piece band based in Melbourne that plays instruments as diverse as analog synthesizers and samplers, the glockenspiel, tuba, clarinet, oboe and recorder along with the more typical drums, bass, and guitar.
The Architect (Obscurity rate: quite obscure)
Dutch metal band which recently changed their name to Miscreants. I read somewhere saying they were good ;D
Dancing About Architecture (Obscurity rate: obscure)
Jazz band from Australia. Samples on
The Mouth of The Architect (Obscurity rate: somewhat popular in locality, I guess)
Is a sludge / doom metal / post-rock band from Ohio, USA.
No matter what the occasion, there will always be some amusement with architecture :D
I think they make full use of studio time to make some entertainment?
then change those entertainment into their careers
The problem is... I don't think they made to architecture school. Architecture seemed like a cool phrase I suppose.
No QS; the nearest was QUANTITY of Sheep... if you count that in...
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