SABD Halloween Spookfest '09 was indeed a blast!!
Best Dress competition
5 were selected from each category and each were interviewed by Jason, our host for this event! After that, they all had to dance ! haha!
(Male category) was between the JOKER, SPARTAN twins!, GORILLA boy, captain JACK SPARROW and PHANTOM of the Opera!!
Based on cheers from everyone, the Joker won best dressed! cool!!
(Female category) was between CATWOMAN, blardy NURSE, Corpse's BRIDE, GEISHA, and last but not least, DRACULA!!
Catwoman won!
Did I missed out anything? OH! the Lecturer's Category! Guess what, Mr Kid (Japanese ghost), Ms Sophie (Pontianak!) and Mr Hong (kungfu hero?xD) dressed up too!!
They almost gave us a shock of our lives when they came into class that morning! xD They had to dance too! In fact, instead of lecturing they might want to consider being part time entertainers! haha!
and the winner goes to......Ms. Sophie!
Trick 'o' Treat was successful. Everyone got tons of candies! Fake blood were everywhere. Lots of crazy poses and pictures were taken. Everyone went wild that afternoon!
Cheers to SABD Spookfest '09 yo!
Huge thanks to SABD Student Council for organizing =)
Special thanks to Jason for hosting and;
Credits to everyone who participated and dressed up for this event! haha!