It's 1 week before week 14. Your mind is filled with assignments and submission dates, and you start saying goodbye to your bed. Yet, if you dare look at the calendar, you'll find that this Friday is the Halloween. For years, Halloween's been a super ordinary day of us rushing for classes, but this year, SABD Student Society has come up with an idea to do something fun, something that we hope would light up your day. We've decided to..
DO: dress up, put on anything interesting, in Halloween spirit. i.e.: wear black, red. fake fangs. blood.
WHEN: 30th* October, all day long
WHO: all SABD students
So, start telling your friends, so that we all can be in this together, including the lecturers. Plus, on that day, Taylor's Photography Club members will be going around and taking pictures of you. So, make sure you're all wrapped up for the day, in the Halloween spirit. Put away those week-14-is-coming-and-i'm-dead faces, and celebrate. Have fun!
p/s: the dressing up is done on a thursday due to most sabd-ians not having classes on friday.
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