Saturday, 30 June 2007
Pressure Seeping Through Your Brain !
Lawrence...IP next year...arghhhhhhhhhh...who would be in my group...doe wan draw lots ler...
Pressure is amongst us all the is like a virus lurking in our veins...its like an epidemic when it comes to a submission date...everyone would feel it, we would be like zombies in class, and everyone would be frantic...becoz I have been in such situation before; a good example is going into the Digital Lab those days before final submission of the assignment or try the printing lab...ahh!
Whatever it is, constant pressure is never healthy,why? not sleeping for 24 hours to finish your assignment is not uncommon, like working over the last 5 hours or so, your brain is no longer functioning effectively, right? We are only human, not machines (robots)...
So, with pressure as your constant companion, try not to treat it as stress , but take it as a healthy adrenalin rush (though constant pressure is not good).
Simply speaking, what i am trying to say is, pressure will always occur...submission dates, rejected studio ideas, girlfriend wants you to choose between her or architecture...whatever the pressure is, we must always handle it with not allow it to run loose or it may lead to something unpleasant...such as leading to a HEART ATTACK!
In other times, pressure may cause you to do or say things which you normally don't scolding people for no apparent reason. Other scenarios where pressure comes in are like feelings of giving up easily in project completion, going crazy, or maybe just feeling BLUR...
Basically, all I want to tell you is that pressure is always there, n it may sometimes be the cause for very unhealthy things to happen such as one going into smoking or taking drugs or creation of ugly scenes like getting angry with yr friends or even driving carelessly...just to submit yr assignments...
Thus, some ways u might be able to handle pressure are as follows (my opinion only):
1. listening to music
2. practising yoga or jogging
3. sleeping, or taking a nap
4. watching tv or playing games
5. hanging out with friends, or chatting online
u are always welcome to add on to the list...sure appreciate to fight against this menace!
Halia boy
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Beyond Borders 2007
As all of you already know, a bunch of us just came back from an Architecture Camp help by PAM at the Internation Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) a bout almost a week ago. The ones who attended it would know what a blast it was, especially when Taylors College managed to bag a few awards that Tony's so proud of he's actually all out in having some 'makan-makan' Oh please don't go watch Transformers I don't wanna watch it again :( for all of us :D
Ok but since I'm such a lazy blogger, I'm just gonna cut & paste my livejournal post here ok? With maybe more pictures and less words and some edits just so that some of you won't fall asleep on your keyboards and get those iddy biddy keyboard key-marks on your face with dried up drool on your cheeks.
OK here goes:
To be back home in civilization where there aren't 4 flights bloody hell of stairs to climb to get to your room, where it doesn't take a 2 and a half kms walk to your dormitory, where the premises is not as big as Melaka itself, where I can wear shorts and my tanks wherever whenever, where I won't get lost trying to find my way to the cafeteria, where FOOD IS EDIBLE, where toilet rolls are abundant, etc etc etc...we're home from IIUM y'all!
So there, my first (and I'm sure firsts for the most of us too) Architecture camp. Damn, how does one say that without sounding like such a geek? I thought I was gonna have loads and loads of fun and sleep. Who was I kidding, its an architecture camp. We sleep eat and berak models, drawings and presentations. However, very cool that about 20 other architecture universities and colleges around Malaysia took part, most of which I cannot remember their names because they all start with 'U' and end with 'M'. Lim Kok Wing was there too along with UCSI and Unity (those are about all the unis that dont start with a 'U' and end with an 'M'). I was put in charge of the exhibition booth, which I am partly ashamed of now because looking at the other booths I feel very inferior, small and in inadequate. Mine looked more like a TOY booth while LKW's looked mafia-ish. Our models looked simple and small scaled, others looked major and so detailed. Damnn (inside joke). HOWEVER, ours had pretty lights, made to look abstract and totally artsy fartsy AND we had TWO extension cords. Others had none. This helps make me feel important.
*clickety click* the retardation begins (more pictures)
There were basically 2 groups of students there: the Participants who are PAM student members and the Observers who aren't. I'm very kiam siap so I was an Observer. Very exp to pay for membership ok. Part of the activities for the Observers were the Archi race which was actually pretty much like Amazing race except we don't get to use airplanes to get to our spots and that we blindly run wherever our leaders leads us to. It was horrendous, it made me feel old because my stamina is dying and I cannot run as fast with slippers anymore. Also, there were way too many uphills and ascending staircases.
We also had Watergun War! Which was so awesome lah because we get to shoot people we don't like and laugh at them afterwards. NO No kidding lah it was fun because.. well simply because it was fun holding big guns and shooting/squirting water randomly at our opponents. And sometimes even group members.
Because of this Watergun War, I now have collected a new shade to my 4 different ones on my body. Now i must tutup my aurats for a few months so that my body can recolour and even itself out. My nose stands out because it seems to be the only part of my face that's burnt & it is not even funny anymore when you can't even cover it up with make up ok.
But preparing for Cultural Night was the best :) Taylors presented a sketch starring Adora and Ah Jin who did a tremendous job making the spectators laugh so hard that *cough* ANDREW COULDN'T EVEN KEEP THE VIDEO CAMERA from just screening our legs. The video turned out to be pretty much useless in the end because it only displayed our legs and abit of the BirdBird (KELVIN). Oh yeah, we won first place for the sketch! while LKW got 2nd and Unity bagged 3rd. LKW's was really artistic and creative, i was reallly really impressed! 4 guys came out as statues, all in while and just blankets wrapped around their peewees with a 'choir' at the background. Haha from what I heard one of the 'statues' took off his blanket after the show and didnt realise that he took off his boxers as well and started walking around the campus stark naked! With only 4 Muslim girls as witnesses. Talk about right place at the right time yo :p heeehee he ran into the store room shreiking when someone pointed it out to him not long after.
Our lecturers, Mr Cheah and Ms. Shereen (God bless their beautiful souls) were total sweethearts for coming to support us and then later treated us to supper when they saw how small the food portion was and how hard we were working all night for presentations. Since they couldn't bring us to McDonalds, they bought 26 large sets of McChicken to US! :D hahahahahahhhhahah the look of envy on everyone elses faces, priceless. I shouldda snapped some jealous face shots and compare them and then stick em all over the campus.
We stayed up till 7 in the morning the last day there, playing Truth or Dare which eventually became Dare or Dare or lick Wan's tits and also charades which was very pointless because I offered to go up most of the time just so that I won't keep falling asleep on the floor. And THEN it started raining. hurrah. We couldn't go back to our hostels 3 kms away until someone found us sleeping in the middle of the exhibition hall and then offered to send us all back to our hostels in his little proton. So nice these UIA students I tell you :) Really one I think they were all very helpful and sweet during our stay there.
Ok signing off. *muah! Enjoy the pictures!
First 2 days at camp: setting up the exhibition booth
Archi Race
Water Gun War!
Last Moments at Camp: Closing Ceremony & Group pictures
Last but not least, the BIRDBIRD! kelvinkelvinkelvinkelvin
Sleeping Safely...
There would be a time when u all would not have enough sleep...a day or two maybe...sleeping durations may range from 2-3 hours only...whatever it is, you would most probably be a zombie by the end of the day...
Basically, what i am trying to convey here is that, if you had taken up an entire day to finish a submission which is supposedlly due the very next day, try not to RUSH all the way to college just to submit it, especially when you are driving, this is because it is not really worth it...
If you are late already, accept it, and move on...driving at 80-100 to reach before submission time won't really make much of a differece...
Furthermore, there would be times when you would be really really tired but you would still push yourself really hard and because of that, there could be a moment where unconciously your body might react differentlly...a good example would be feeling dizzy or for worst, faint !
So, isn't it better to do your work earlier next time, or when you know you are late already, why not take an extra day to just make up for it, do it better, and only then hand it up (this depends on whether the lecturer allows), or, when you already late for submission, why not take your time to reach college, after all, you are already late right ?
Remember, this is all not a game, there are not reset buttons, drive safely all the time, when you are tired, do not do so...its ok to be late sometimes, especially when it concerns you or somebody else...
Halia Boy
Yo yo one two one two!
Yay I can blog here now!
Will do updates of the Archi Camp soon. But for now, I'M DOING ALL YA'LL (LihJuinn, Keong, Thomas, Felicia etc etc) A BIG FAVOUR by doing the inventory for the Christmas Train thingy ok. I'm claiming lunch.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007
HK - MACAU Trip (Activity Week)
As the holidays are coming closer to an end and the next semester is about to begin, so are the trips for the Activity Week in August as well..This year, there'll be a trip to HK-Macau lead by our very own Mr.Woon..Brief details of the trip are as follows:
Cost: about RM1,600
Duration: 4 days 5 nights
Space available: about 14 more places (limited number of places)
These are just brief details and are yet to be finalized, just a pre-post about the trip as a favour for Mr.Woon. The posters about this trip will be posted soon in college and deposits for the trip can be made at the beginning of the next semester (which will be 16th of July onwards).
Details on this trip will be updated once i get any new information..
Post by Law Law, SABD
Monday, 18 June 2007
Have some fun!
The last 'game' I introduced was the Crayola where you get to doodle on a virtual paper.
This time I want to introduce a simple yet enjoyable game:

This online game is called Pac Adventure: Dracula's Castle. It's not the old-school Pac-man where it floats around the maze collecting random bonus items. It's a pretty decent game; enough to entertain you when you feel bored. It doesn't take long to load either so click on the image above and have fun!
Happy holidays!
Posted by,
Grace (SOC)
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Where would Go NEXT ? after the final SEM !
So, its been awhile like what Mr.Law has mentioned...
To begin with, most of us are going to a camp soon which is on the 21st, four days from now, and there are a lot to prepare...right after it, it would be at least 2 weeks till college starts again...
So, what would be the master plan after that, how would the final semester be like...we had been mostly all together for like 5 semesters and met wonderful new people as we went along...for the same goal in mind, we all would like to graduate together as a whole...there are a few who had left, but maybe because they might had found their calling somewhere else...
Maybe this final semester could tell us whether we had achieve or found our calling...or maybe we just follow how life takes us along its curvacious journey...if we were to also continue these long hourly moments of architecture and quantity surveying, how would we end it perfectly...which uni's would we be pursuing in, i had in mind a few myself (Uni of Sheffield, Bartlett, AA, Cardiff, or NSW as well as RMIT in Australia)
It really depends anyway...however, would the Taylor's 2005 batch legacy be continued...would we all still be together or maybe its back to basics again...and what happens then ? its a life journey after when do we meet up again ? Mamak at College ?
Whatever the outcome might be...we are the 2005 batch which would forever rock on...and maybe this forum could be our chatting spot...or maybe its deja vu all over again where someone takes over and says "why this forum no one taking one ?"
So, to all all are like a family in your class...if you don't take every moment to cherish, it would soon be over, but if you are lucky, you all might end up in the same university and maybe the same
Halia Boy
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Christmas Train...
Ahhh, an article on the christmas train can be seen in today's Star Newspaper under "Saturday Metro". For those who do not have today's Star newspaper, you can view the article online over here. Here's a picture on Taylor's Christmas Train Model.

(R - L: Yew Keong, Ming Shien, Lih Jiunn, *sorry don't know your name*, Ms.Melissa, Ms.Yap, and ang moh kias.)
p/s: Lih Jiunn, your name was spelled wrongly in the papers...>_<..*Lee Jium*, sounds like Cium...LOLZ..
Post by Law Law, SABD
Friday, 8 June 2007
Poppin' Hyun Joon
wah!law law posted so many posts!! archi students!!!! buck up!~
we must not lose to law law!!!~~
*kiashu mode*
Just want to share sth random..
This korean guy is melting fabulous with his dance moves!!~~
check his dance vids at youtube :)
Name: Nam Hyun Joon
Style: Freestyler, Popper
Birthdate: January 30, 1979
Height: 170cm
Weight: 55kg
Hobbies: Graffiti
Inspirations: Michael Jackson, Mr. Wigglez, Lee Juno (from Seo Taiji and his dance teacher)
Nam Hyun Joon, often referred to as Poppin' Hyun Joon or Happy Hyun Joon, is a famous Korean contemporary dancer. He is best known for his unique popping techniques. Nam Hyun Joon, also known as Poppin Hyun Joon is one of the more famous contemporary poppers. He has been a part of several dance groups, including Gorilla Crew, Cyborg and Newest35 (headed by H.O.T member Jang Woo Hyuk). He currently is in his own dance group called Nam Hyun Joon and Kids. He is also a former rapper for Young Turks Club, and is now going back to the music industry, with his recent release of his latest album One & Only.
Hyun Joon is known for his variety of Popping, and Tutting of body parts. Nam Hyun Joon, also known as "Poppin Hyun Joon" is famous for his smooth "popping & locking" ticking, animation, and many other dance moves. He is one of the most famous poppers in the world bboy/breakdance leagues. He often works training stars and choreographing dance routines for them.
For more details:
You can also check more abt him in Wikipedia & Youtube.

Thursday, 7 June 2007
Logging into Taylor's Online..
As you all know, the taylor's tgen website have been changed to Taylor's Online. And i'm sure most of you have problems signing in to the new system. There are several ways to solve this.
- Make sure your student id e.g. 0501P34745....make sure the P is in capital letter..Meaning, it should be typed as 0501P34745 and not 0501p34745.
- Your password should have expired, only way is to get to the college computer lab or library and change your expired password to a new.
- If 1. and 2. doesn't help, then get to the ICT department to rectify your problem..
- Or you could call Taylor's College at 03-7876 3939 and get the receptionist to redirect you to the ICT department to get them to change your password
Post by Law Law, SABD
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
As you all know, a handful of Architecture students from our college have been real busy for the past few months working on a charity project/competition organized by the Hilton Hotel called the christmas train. The students were given the task to build a train model. Various institutions as well as our own were involved in this project; "Taylor's University College", "Sunway University College", "University College Sedaya International (UCSI)", "Tunku Abdul Rahman (TAR) College" and "PJ College of Art & Design (PJCAD)".
After many "agonizing" and "gruesome" days and nights working on the project, the xmas train team of "Taylor's University College" has emerged victorious. Congratulations on your hardwork and dedication to the project, the xmas train team most probably encountered many difficulties throughout the project but yet have proven that they are of capable material..^_^V..
CONGRATULATIONS!!! to the xmas train team, you guys have done an excellent job...we are all proud of your achievements...
Post by Law Law, SABD
Monday, 4 June 2007
How to register your subjects???
You can start registering for next semester's subject now...Proceed to the Online Course Registration Website to sign in and register..For those who do not know how to use the online registration, instructions can be obtained here..
Word of advice, upon registering, try to stick to the list of subjects enlisted when you first register for the course. Try not to bring forward subjects from semesters ahead, if you're unlucky, you may encounter clashing of timetables which is highly likely to happen. (However, you can choose not to follow and proceed to overload your next semester)
Post by Law Law, SABD
Word of advice, upon registering, try to stick to the list of subjects enlisted when you first register for the course. Try not to bring forward subjects from semesters ahead, if you're unlucky, you may encounter clashing of timetables which is highly likely to happen. (However, you can choose not to follow and proceed to overload your next semester)
Post by Law Law, SABD
Friday, 1 June 2007
New Company Rules
"Imagine if this were the rules imposed in a company you would be working for or are already working in"
To all Employees: Effective June 1, 2007
Dress Code*
- It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a pay raise.
- If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a pay raise.
- If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore, you do not need a pay raise.
We will no longer accept a doctor's certificate as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.
Holiday Days*
Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are called Saturday & Sunday.
Compassionate Leave*
This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives, or co-workers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early.
Toilet Use*
- Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet. There is now a strict three-minute time limit in the cubicle.
- At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the cubicle door will open, and your picture will be taken.
- After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company notice board under the "Chronic Offenders" category.
- Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the company's mental health policy.
- Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch, as they need to eat more so that they can look healthy.
- Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure.
- Chubby people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim-Fast.
Thank you for your loyalty to our company. Remember we are an employer of choice and we are here to provide a positive employment experience.
Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplation, and input should be directed elsewhere.
"The Management Team"
Post by Law Law, SABD
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